Pao Yue was established in 1980 as a small plant in Taiwan Tainan city. With rapid growth, the company successfully became an international professional powder metallurgy manufacturer. Today, we are a pioneer in powder metallurgy globally and We offer a “one-stop” end to end solution for our customers.
On top of our diverse equipment manufacturing abilities, our products are driven towards ISO and international regulations and export globally covering countries such as Middle East, South East Asia, Central and South America and Europe. With tens of thousands parts sold worldwide, our leading market share is reflected on our drive for customer service; top of the line laboratories and 24 hours after service.
With the coming age of Artificial Intelligence, Pao Yue actively invests in smart manufacturing and digitalization in order to increase efficiency, stay competitive and ensure progressive momentum growth.
Pao Yue strives to make our machines more sustainable through innovation, quality with service and added values paired with reduced cost.
Pao Yue is committed to continue to lead in Powder Metallurgy.
We pride ourselves in excellence, team spirit and respect for one another.

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